Freshen up old /stale cornflakes - chocolate cornflakes milkshake

Hi all,
Another easy recipe  for bachelors. Many a times , I buy cereals (cornflakes. Chocos, brand lakes) which gets quite boring after a while. After sometime these cereals get soggy and loose there crisp texture.

#HowToRevive old Cornflakes: Very simple... just microwave in 30seconds burst which means after every30seconds, toss and keep again. I do it for total of 1.5 minutes.. Now the tossing part is very important. After the first 30 seconds, you'll see that the flakes seem to harden and feels more wet. Worry Not, friends, that's the moisture surfacing on each flake. By tossing, you are basically air drying the contents. Hence toss it for like 5 times, then microwave again. Toss it, you'll see the texture has changed and the flakes are getting crispy.

Now I normally just make something out of these revived flakes immediately as they don't store well

Typically my goto recipe is my cornflakes milkshake with chocolate oreos and dates. I can go crazy with the ingredients and I mix them up based on my cravings that day. The truth is that anything goes, everything tastes delicious.All you need to do is throw in the ingredients into a mixer and ... well that's about it.
For the Base:

For this milkshake, the base is always the same, Milk ,cornflakes (whichever cereal you have in hand), sugar, vanilla ice cream (really not necessary).

To the prepared base, you add any combination of ingredients
1. Dates, oreos biscuit, vanilla ice cream.
2. Dates, chopped Almonds, Dried raisins
3. Tiger biscuits,perk/ KitKat
4. Mangoes (or pulp)
5. Any Indian flavoured icecream,chopped nuts(walnuts, almonds)
6. Peanut butter, Dark chocolate (melt it first over hot water).

Warning:Decadent combinations- replace milk with vanilla ice cream.

7. Bounvita,dates,chocolate icecream topped with wipped cream.
8. Nutella/chocolate sauce, condensed milk, crushed oreos
9. Walnuts, peanuts, peanut butter,melted chocolate topped with whipped cream and caramel sauce(will post the recipe if needed)
10. Go crazy, add some 5 stars chocolate, bounvita, raisins, perk or wafer biscuits, topped with chocolate whipped cream and a wafer bar.
11. Replace vanilla ice cream with strawberry icecream, fresh strawberries topped with some cherries soaked in rum(easily available in indian stores).

Healthy versions: don't add sugar.

12. Chop some apple, dates, almonds.
13. Bananas topped with sliced bananas
14. Mixed berries like strawberry, raspberries topped with dried cranberries
15. Banana, dates, raisins, dried anjeer.
16. Dried apricots or anjeer.some walnuts topped with caramel sauce.
17. Horlicks, protein powder, caramel sauce.
18. Just add some chikko / sapotta.


Take 1 cup of cornflakes add 1 cup of milk, the mixture should be of same ratio1:1.Add 1.5 tablespoon of sugar. Add the above to a blender and blend for two minutes till well combined. Now add the remaining ingredients as per your interested combination. Make sure all nuts are well chopped and the dated are seeded.blend for 3 minutes or till smooth.
If you are adding toppings or making it fancy, then pre freeze your serving glass in freezer. Pour the milk shake into the glass. Add whipped cream and toppings with a straw.

 This is for 1 tall glass of milkshake which means this will serve 1 person. Hence if you are making for 3 people, triple the amount.
Now typically , milkshakes are served in tall glasses and 3/4th of the glass will be the milkshake and the remaining will be whipped cream or some decorations like icecream scoop, wafers, biscuit, mangoes etc.

Recipe 2: (for bachelors, an instant treat)

Anjeer, badam, Cornflakes milkshakes - cheats version.
1. 2 big scoops fig (Anjeer) icecream
2. 2 cups milk
3. 2 cups Kellogg's cornflakes with almond and honey.
Combine everything and blend in a mixie for 5 minutes. 

1. I use indian flavoured malai icecreams which is creamy and has a kulfi taste to it. I guess any flavour except pistachio will be good.
2. No need to add any other sweeteners as the icecream is already loaded with sugar.
3. Use the cereal that you have, simply chops some nuts if you like crunch else no need.
4. This milkshake is grainy and will taste ordinary if you blend it too smooth.
5. Add an additional scoop of ice cream just before serving. 
6. If you are using indian /malai/ kulfi icecreams then fruits, nuts are good additional toppings but chocolates, biscuits etc are not at all good with these icecreams.

Thank you!


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