Updates:what have I been upto

Hi all

Apologies for the delay in writing new posts, but it was navaratri last month, one of my favourite festivals from childhood.
I got too busy with it, mostly did a lot of new recipes, some of them a hit, some mediocre . I'm writing several posts now, litrelly a whole article on how we celebrate Navaratri and other recipes, just that they are halfway complete. My laptop fudged up and is now in the service centre for motherboard component change (pretty expensive), so all these things through the mobile which is very tacky.

So here is a list of posts you can look out for. I may not be able to get it to look very pretty but I'll tidy up once I get my laptop back.
1. How is Navratri celebrated by south Indians.  (Mumbai based malayali's account)
2. Shezwan Chilly paneer (with Chings secret chutney)
3. The art of making sundals
4. Sabudana payasam
5. Semiya badam payasam
6. Oats carrot Upma
7. Tomato rice / pulav
8. Easy Mozzarella cheese mini samosas
9. Basic cheese dip with Amul processed cheese
10. How to pressure cook heavy lentils like Rajma.
11. Basic indian cooking: inside the spice pantry

They look like a major challenging set of recipes. But they are really easy and most of them have lots of shortcuts and alternatives to make life easier.

Thanks for reading my blog. If you have any questions, no matter how silly it maybe regarding cooking , please comment so that i can help you out.


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